David Ward

As we said a final goodbye to David Coram we also learnt of the death of a long-time Laudemus! singer, David Ward, at the beginning of May. Everyone on our mailing list has been contacted about this, with details of the funeral for anyone who would like to attend. David’s genial presence among us, year after year, in Dorset was always something to look forward to: he was the perfect gentleman, kind, reliable, amusing, knowledgeable, generous; and an excellent second bass until lung failure caused him so much difficulty with breathing that he was obliged to stop. He died peacefully at home, and his funeral will be at 1.00pm on Monday 20 May, at Blofield Church (St Andrew & St Peter, Church Road, Blofield, Norfolk NR13 4NA). There is a choir rehearsal at 10.45 on Monday morning; anyone wanting to sing is asked to contact Claire Virden (clairevirden1@gmail.com ).