Our 2024 tour is now something of a distant memory, but one or two things stand out in what was another successful and enjoyable week. The joint winners of our composing competition were both able to attend Evensong at Wimborne Minster on Saturday 10th August to hear their pieces performed: John Sturt’s evocative introit Te lucis ante terminum and David Harris’s stirring setting of Hail, gladdening light.
2024 was also memorable for our musical director being somewhat hors de combat with a ruptured achilles tendon. It was quite remarkable how Jeremy managed to negotiate the week so successfully with impaired mobility – at least he could drive!
We are now turning our attention in earnest to arrangements for 2025. Several churches have expressed interest in hosting us, and our tour managers, Peter and Elizabeth, are busy trying to construct a workable itinerary. We will update the tour page in due course.